Newsletters and Newsletter Addendums

Rather that provide individual links to the Newsletters and Addendums, the button below will open a directory of all available News Letters and Newsletter Addendums in our possession.  They are stored in chronological (by date) order using a naming convention.

Names follow the format:
YYYY-Mmm_Newsletter.pdf  [Newsletters cover last six months]
YYYY_Mmm_Newsletter_Addendum.pdf  [Addendums include the photos from the last meeting]
(where YYYY_Mmm_… => 2017_Apr_…)

Newsletter History Lost

There are some obvious gaps in our Newsletter History.  If you have any of the missing issues, we’d be please to scan them and return the original to you.  We could then post them for all to see.  Thanks in advance for looking through your “files”.

 Newsletter by U.S. Mail is now by Request ONLY!

We are no longer sending our newsletter via the US Mail to those who have not requested and paid in advance for that method of delivery. The newsletter will continue to be available here on the RCRA Website for online reading and download. If you will provide your email address to us, we will also email it to you when a new newsletter is available.

By special exception, we will “snail” mail a copy of the newsletter to you via the US Mail, but you must specifically request this exception and verify your address for us, as follows:
1. Come to the meeting and make that request at our special signup table.
2. Mail a written request to P.O. Box 851271, Richardson, TX 75085-1271 with your current home address.
3. Email your request to us at Please include your current home address, as well.
A $20.00 per year donation to the RCRA is required to off-set the cost of printing and mailing.  Remember, there are no dues and all expenses must be covered by member donations.