Contacts & Links
How and Who to Contact at the CRAContact the RCRA
2024-25 Officers:
President: Neil Dobson
Telephone: M: (214) 514-7796
Past-President: Tommy Dodson
Telephone: M: (951) 313-4264
Vice-President: Bill Zeigler (acting)
Telephone: M: (214) 886-5634
Treasurer: Ted Fredericks
Telephone: H: (972) 495-1022
M: (214) 803-6544
Collins Retirees Association
P.O. Box 851271
Richardson, TX 75085-1271
Member Contributions
As you all know, there are no dues or other charges for being a member of the Rockwell Collins Retirees Association (RCRA). We have three sources of income to support the organization. The contributions received at the meetings continue to play a major role in offsetting the expenses of this organization. When the baskets are passed please be generous.
Another way to help CRA is to purchase an ad on this site. Any officer can help you with the details.
Important Phone Numbers
As a Collins retiree you might wonder who to contact when you have a benefits-related question with the transition to UTC and now Raytheon. We recently confirmed you should place a call to 1(800)243-8135 with your retirement questions. This includes pension, health benefits, and insurance questions. This will put you in contact with the UTC Pension Service Center located in Cherry Hill, NC. This is the location that administers pension and insurance matters for all retirees who previously worked for Collins Radio Company, Rockwell International, Rockwell Collins, or the current Collins Aerospace organization.
Retirement Administration Point of Contact
RTX Pension Service Center
P.O. Box 5261
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-5261
8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Eastern Time
Phone: 800.243.8135
RTX Pension Service Center [ ]
(Requires Login – Call to get log in information or self authorize online)
(Updated Jan 2024)
It would be a good idea to tell your spouse how to access this resource when you are not available.
Collins Information
Rockwell Collins Clubs and Leagues This link was provided by Rockwell Collins and is out-of-date and may not be currently maintained. It is a listing of Clubs and Sports Leagues at various Collins locations.
Arthur Collins Legacy Association
RCRA recognizes that you may have links that other members may need in our retirement adventure.
Please contact one of our officers if you have important information that you can share with us all.
Thank you!
Collins Retirees Association Also Appreciates the Support From
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